Cleaning Your Tile And Grout Flooring

If you have a bathroom, kitchen, or entryway in your home that is constructed from tile with groat in between the pieces, you need to take special care in cleaning the surface regularly so it does not become faded or discolored. Here are some tips to keep your tiled floor looking like new.

Invest In The Right Products

To keep your floor clean, you need to purchase a tile and grout cleaning agent from a home product or hardware store. Many of these cleaners come in a spray-on form for easy application, or a dilutable liquid form that can be placed in your own container. Make sure the cleansing agent you select specifically lists grout and tile for the application so the surface of your floor does not become compromised. If you are unable to locate a cleaning agent, contact a professional cleaning service to do the job for you or inquire as to whether they sell products for consumer use.

Clean Your Floor Regularly

A tile floor requires cleaning on a regular basis as debris can easily end up between tiles due to everyday foot traffic. This means you need to mop or vacuum the floor every few days to remove loose debris rather quickly. When your tile floor no longer appears shiny, but rather flat, cloudy, or discolored, it is time to perform a deep cleaning session. Apply the tile and grout cleaner directly to the tile floor and allow it to remain in place according to the cleaner directions. When this time has elapsed, the cleaner needs to be removed. This is done using a clean and dry microfiber cloth attached to a mop handle, or you can rub the cleaner by hand if desired. To reduce the need for cleaning, provide people with a mat to place their shoes upon before walking across the tile floor.

Pay Special Attention To The Grout Areas

The grout in between the tiles will be harder to clean than the tiles on your floor. To remove dirt from grout, use a toothbrush to disperse the cleaning agent effectively. After application, use a corner of your microfiber cloth to remove excess liquid. This process may need to be conducted a few times to remove discoloration effectively. When grout cracks or becomes extremely dry, it tends to flake away from between tiles. This means you need to reapply grout so tiles do not loosen from your floor. If you are uncomfortable performing this procedure on your own, contact a flooring service for assistance.

For more information on tile and grout cleaning, contact a company near you.

About Me

information to help working mothers find cleaners

As a working mother, I just can't seem to find enough hours in the day to get everything accomplished that needs to be taken care of. Between running my two older boys around and trying to keep up with my four-year-old, I just don't have enough time to do the cleaning that should be done each week. A friend of mine suggested that I look into hiring a cleaning service to do those weekly cleanings. She provided me with a ton of information and several tips that helped me find the cleaning service that has worked out so well. Find out tips for finding, hiring and working with a cleaning service here on my blog.
